Craigslist Maine ME



The Craigslist Maine Search Engine!



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You can now search all of Craigslist Maine (ME) with just one click!

Select Maine from the choices provided in the search results.

It is a highly time-consuming process to try and search every Craigslist site in Maine. Your only goal is to find what you’re looking for as quickly as possible. However, the item that you really want might not be in the city that you are currently in. What is the solution? Our search engine is designed specifically for Craigslist!

We will scan through all Craigslist classified ads that are indexed in every city in Maine and present you with the results that are the most relevant to your search. We have just saved you all the time that was required to search each of the 1 Craigslist sites listed below. You’re Welcome:)

Try our craigslist search engine to find your item in neighboring states, or search all craigslist Northeast


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Advice on How to Search Craigslist in Maine:


1. Do not worry about correcting my spelling:

You can choose from a dropdown list of common searches if you don’t feel like putting in the effort to spell perfectly in our search field. If you make a typo, the system’s built-in spell check will catch it right away, repair it, and give you the correct results.

2. How to look for a particular item in Maine:

To instruct our system to search for ONLY the phrase in question, use the quotation marks on both sides of the search. (For instance, if you search for “Yeti Cooler,” you will only get results for that particular brand. However, if you search for “Yeti Cooler” without the quotation marks, you may get results for other brands of coolers that are comparable to Yeti brand or for cool yeti apparel and toys.

3. Be detailed:

Make an effort to mention the brand, model, color, year, and other relevant details. When you search “vacuum” across the state, you get a wide variety of results, ranging from toys to rentals to cleaning services. You may limit the scope of these results, though, by entering search criteria such as “year,” “manufacturer,” “model,” and “color,” among other things.

4. Leave out a particular keyword:

Let’s say you have a strong aversion to pink vacuums and you don’t want to see any listings for them in Maine. Simply placing a minus sign in front of the word “pink” will remove it from the list of search results on Craigslist. In a manner similar to this: “Dyson Vacuum” -pink

5. Determine the Price Range

In the prior example, you are interested in purchasing a vacuum but have a spending limit of only $100. Entering ” Dyson Vacuum” with a price range of $1–$100 into the search box on top of this page will produce results that are within your price range.


Craigslist Maine – Usage and Fun Facts

When it comes to online classified ads, many people in Maine and beyond turn to Craigslist. You can discover just about anything on Craigslist, from used furniture to a new job. But how well-known is Craigslist in the Pine Tree State? Let’s check it out.

Craigslist Maine Usage Statistics

Maine residents are familiar with Craigslist. In fact, the website is one of the most popular in the entire state. That’s quite impressive! Furthermore, Craigslist Maine is the 14th most popular Craigslist website in the US. According to, the website has around 4.4 million visits every month, with the vast majority of these visitors being from the United States (97%), but there are also visitors from other nations, like Canada (1.2%), which is located right next door.

Overview of users: data shows that in January 2020, there were 1 million visits to Craigslist from Maine. Of these visits, 43% were from desktop computers, and 57% were from mobile devices.The most popular category was “For Sale”, with 28%. This was followed by “Community” with 25% and “Jobs” with 22% of the visits. What does this mean for you? When searching on Craigslist Maine, you are most likely to find success in these categories.

Top cities using the site:

The top city in Maine for Craigslist visits in 2022 was Portland, with 5.8 million visits (31%). This was followed by Bangor with 2.6 million visits (14%), and Lewiston with 1.7 million visits (9%).


Craigslist Maine is one of the most popular websites in the state, and it’s an invaluable resource for people looking to buy and sell items. Search all of Craigslist Maine and plan a trip to this amazing state. Happy Classifieds Hunting!