Search All Craigslist Canada: 2025

You can now search all Craigslist Canada in just one click! All Canadian Craigslist sites have been added to our search engine and categorized by province! Enter your search request in the bar below and quickly search all of craigslist Canada!

Search Craigslist Canada by Province

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How does craigslist do in Canada
image source: inforgrowth

How to Search All of Craigslist Across Canada

Have you ever wished you could do a search on Craigslist that encompassed all of Canada? Well, you can! Whether you’re looking for a new job, an apartment for or a great deal on a used car, searching all of Craigslist across Canada is easier than you think.

Yes, its easy! We took care of all the heavy lifting with our search engine, and we’ll teach you how to search all of Craigslist at once, no matter where you’re located in Canada. Let’s figure out how to make the most of your Craigslist search!

Step 1: Select the Right Craigslist Search Tool

The first step to searching all of Craigslist across Canada is to select the right search tool. There are several search tools available, but the one we recommend is of course our own. We have created a powerful search tool that allows you to search multiple Craigslist sites at once, including all of Canada.

Our Canadian Craigslist search engine is specifially desgined to make it easy to narrow down your search by location and category, so you can find exactly what you’re looking for. You can also save your searches and set up alerts so that you know when new listings for your search terms are posted on Craigslist.

Step 2: Enter Your Search Terms

Alright, now it’s time to enter your search terms. You can search for anything from job postings to apartments for rent to used cars. Don’t be too general or vauge in your search terms; instead be specific about what you’re looking for so that you can narrow down the results to only the most relevant listings.

You can also use the advanced search options to further refine your search. For example, you can select specific locations, set a price range, or search for listings that have been posted within the last 24 hours.

Step 3: Browse the Results

This is were the fun begins! Once you have entered your search terms and clicked “search,” our program will present you with a list of results. You can browse the list to find the listings that are most relevant to you. You can also use the search filters to narrow down the results even further to certain provinces; afterall, its a long drive from Victoria to Toronto.

When you find a listing that interests you, click on it to read the full description and find out more information. Be sure to read the entire listing before contacting the seller.

Step 4: Contact the Seller

If you find a listing that interests you, the next step is to make contact with the seller. A quick email or phone call will suffice. Remember to specify what you need and when you can meet in your message. If you want to check out the item before buying it, contact the seller and set up a time to meet in person. If you have to meet the vendor outside of their home, you should bring a friend or family member with you just in case.

Discovering Craigslist’s Use in Canada

Craigslist is the second best classifieds site in Canada following; but even though it may rank second overall, it is an incredibly popular internet classified ad service, and has widespread use across Canada.  It is a great way to buy and sell items, find housing, and even find jobs. But how does differ from province to province in Canada? How many people are using Craigslist in each province? And what categories are most popular in each?

Using data from, we a close look at Craigslist’s use in Canada to uncover the answers to these questions. So, let’s dive in and explore the state of Craigslist in Canada!

Who’s Using Craigslist in Canada?

When we said it was second in popularity, we didn’t mean it was low in numbers! In fact, more than 8 million people in Canada used Craigslist in the past month, that is 4.28% of the total traffic to the site. Of those 8 million users, Ontario (not surprisingly) had the most at 3.3 million, followed by Alberta at 1.87 million and Quebec at 1.3 million., B.C. meanwhile, had the fourth-highest number of users at 845,000.

The remaining provinces had far fewer users, but that is just due to population size. When we look at the other provinces and territories, the numbers are much less.  in fact, there were a total of 296,000 in Saskatchewan, 274,000 in Manitoba, 188,000 in Newfoundland and Labrador, 170,000 in Nova Scotia, 154,000 in New Brunswick, 22,500 on Prince Edward Island, and 73,000 in the territories.

So what is the key takeaway from this?  If you search Craigslist Canada for an item, you will most likely find it in one of the top four provinces.

The Current State of Craigslist in Canada

Even today, Craigslist remains one of the most popular websites among Canadians who frequent the types of online classifieds. According to the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA), in 2020 over 6 million Canadians visited Craigslist. As a result, Craigslist became the second most popular online classifieds website in Canada. Our new T4America survey indicates that it’s still extremely popular. Over the past few years, as Kijiji and Facebook Marketplace have built their presence, its market share has been shrinking.

Despite this decrease in market share, Craigslist remains a popular platform for Canadians. In 2023, it was the second most visited classifieds website in Canada after

Who are the Competitors to Craigslist in Canada?

Craigslist is probably the most popular online classifieds site in Canada. The problem is it’s in a real battle with every other platform that is just as desperate to capture users’ attention. Introduce Kijiji, eBay’s answer to Craigslist, which has become its largest competitor. It provides a simple interface and a wide variety of listings, from jobs and housing to concert tickets. Kijiji has a strong reputation for local transactions, making it easy for sellers and buyers to connect within their communities.

Besides Kijiji, Facebook Marketplace has quickly become another major contender in the online classifieds arena. This new shared marketplace allows users to sell determinedly in a friend group first, and then to the rest of their network second. It uses social networks to increase trust and exposure.

Facebook Marketplace successfully brings in younger audiences that are created and captured on social media. This connection means you can reach potential buyers for concert tickets faster than ever. Both Kijiji and Facebook Marketplace have the same features you would expect from Craigslist — user review systems, messaging systems, customizable listings.

With this increasing competition, it’s more important than ever for sellers to know their options. Craigslist is hard to beat for reach. Leveraging promotional tools on platforms like Facebook increases your reach and offers potential buyers social proof, so you’re more likely to sell concert tickets fast. Consider which one will be the best fit for your desired audience and ticket selling approach.

Canadian market.

In addition to these two sites, you’ll want to check out a handful of Craigslist’s other smaller competitors. Both can be wonderful alternatives to selling concert tickets on Craigslist!

VarageSale is complicated but great local buy and sell app designed for parents. Listing tickets is incredibly easy for users, who can quickly create listings from their local neighborhoods. This function comes in handy more than most when selling concert tickets. It introduces you to local like-minded people who are just as excited as you to see the same artists live!

OfferUp and Letgo have become increasingly popular alternatives. These marketplace apps allow you to list items for sale in minutes, sometimes in as few as 3 taps on your mobile device. Both systems are designed with safety at the core, allowing users to review and rate each other. This new feature then increases your safety and security when meeting with someone to complete your unique transaction.

Additionally, these platforms are no longer used solely for resale of concert tickets. On the consumer side, they offer classic online marketplace features—e.g., buy/sell used televisions, consoles, and other electronics, or used home goods. OfferUp has rolled out a feature to list jobs. At the same time, VarageSale provides a platform for users to find nearby services.

On your hunt for ticket buyers, watch for unique experiences or products that appeal to you. You don’t want to miss out on the treasures you can dig up! Each of these sites has distinct advantages. By understanding them, you’ll have a better shot at finding a potential buyer and making a successful sale.

How Has the Use of Craigslist in Canada Changed Over Time?

Unfortunately, even though I am a huge fan of Craigslist, its use in Canada has been steadily decreasing over the past few years. According to the CIRA survey, the share of the Canadian online classifieds market held by Craigslist has decreased from 63% in 2016 to 53% in 2020 and likely less in 2023. This decrease is largely due to the rise of competitors like Kijiji and Facebook Marketplace.

Despite the decrease in market share, the number of users of Craigslist in Canada has been steadily increasing. The survey found that the number of users had increased from 5.7 million in 2016 to 6.1 million in 2020. This suggests that while the overall market share is decreasing, the platform is still gaining users, and people overall are turning to classifieds to find bargains amid high inflation.

Popular Categories in Each Province

When it comes to the most popular categories in each province, the results were quite varied. So for example, the most popular category across the country is “For Sale,” followed by “Jobs,” “Real Estate,” and “Personals.”  This data shows that people in the provinces are actively moving into new jobs, and new houses.  Population increase perhaps? or maybe a sign of costly living.


Craigslist use in Canada is extensive and eclectic, from advertisement and business listings to everyday people posting notices. Today, Craigslist continues to be one of the most popular online classifieds site in Canada. Its market share has been slowly eroding the last few years. This dip can be predominantly attributed to the arrival of new competitors such as Kijiji and Facebook Marketplace. Despite this decrease in market share, the number of users of Craigslist in Canada is still increasing, suggesting that the platform is still gaining users. As for the provinces, the highest number of users came from Ontario, Alberta, and Quebec, while the territories had the least number of users. Each week in Canada the busiest categories on Craigslist were “For Sale,” “Real Estate,” “Jobs” and “Personals.”

If you’re trying to buy or sell something, find a place to live, or get employment, Craigslist remains one of the most effective resources in existence. Its expansive reach and varied categories provide an ideal opportunity to attract Canadian buyers. You can totally do the same thing to sellers! If you’ve been waiting to scour Craigslist across all of Canada, get ready! You’ll find everything you’ve been searching for in these amazing areas.